When you decide to take care of your family member, that is a major commitment. You are dedicating your time to ensuring that your loved one lives a comfortable life.
However, it can be challenging to make time for errands or other necessities. You may not want to leave them at home alone, or you’re worried about them having limited social interactions.
Adult day services can support family caregivers. You can benefit from them being at home for important moments and giving yourself a chance to get other things done. Here is a guide on how adult day services can help you.
How Can an Adult Day Service Help Family Caregivers?
Adult day services allow you to drop your loved one off at a safe facility for the day. This allows you to get things done and not worry about them being taken care of. Many people find it hard to leave their loved ones home alone if they need assistance with daily tasks such as eating or going to the bathroom.
You may also worry about the decline in social interactions they may experience staying at home. An adult day service lets them meet other older adults and make new friends while enjoying fun activities.
Choosing to keep them at home allows them to stay involved in your family and be there for the special moments. However, the helping hand from adult day services allows you to work and take care of other homely matters.
What Activities Are at an Adult Day Center?
One of the highlights of adult day service is the fun activities provided for the members. They can enjoy their favorite hobbies and try new ones, including the following:
- Pet therapy
- Audiobooks
- Music
- R&R
- Sewing/ cross-stitch, knitting
- Fly tying
- Trivia
- Model building
- Computers
- A library
- Exercise equipment
- Board games
- Arts and crafts
- Cooking activities
- Sports
- Virtual fish tank
- Visiting musicians
- Game rooms