Although ticks can be spotted year-round, spring and summer are more prevalent times to encounter ticks. Getting a tick bite can cause a bullseye rash that can be infected and cause Lyme disease.
Many people develop signs and symptoms ranging from three to 30 days after transmission. If you want to enjoy your outdoor season without fear of contracting Lyme disease, here are some preventable ways to avoid tick bites.
Preventing Tick Bites on People
If you’re outside be cautious of wooded or bushy areas with high grass or leaf litter, these are the places where ticks are. You can prevent tick bites by staying away from those areas and wearing protective clothing and gear. Treating your gear with products containing 0.5% permethrin will help keep ticks away.
When returning inside check:
- In and around the ears
- In and around the hair
- Inside belly button
- Around the waist
- Under the arms
- Back of the knees
- Between the legs
Prevent Ticks on Your Pets
Pets, especially dogs, can bring ticks into your home when they hitch a ride on their fur. It can be difficult to see if your pet has been bitten by a tick so, before they come inside check the following spots for ticks:
- In and around the ears
- Around the eyelids
- Under the collar
- Under the front legs
- Between the back legs
- Around the tail
Prevent Ticks in Your Yard
Another easy way to protect your home against ticks is to landscape your yard. Ticks are attracted to taller grass and brush areas, so clearing or trimming foliage around homes and edges of lawns are extremely helpful.
Mowing the lawn or raking leaves frequently can help prevent ticks in common areas of the yard. It’s also good practice to place a 3-ft wide barrier of wood chips or gravel around patios or play equipment if they’re near lawns or wooded areas to prevent tick migration. Storing playground, desk, and patio equipment away in sunny areas away from edges or tress is also helpful.
Read More About Basic Lyme Disease Prevention